Our Projects

The Oil and Gas sector is one of the eight core industries

The oil and gas industry is divided into three key segments: Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream.

Upstream involves the exploration and production of oil and natural gas. This segment focuses on discovering and extracting crude oil and natural gas from reservoirs beneath the Earth's surface.

Midstream refers to the transportation, storage, and logistics involved in moving crude oil and natural gas from production sites to refineries. This segment includes pipelines, tankers, and storage facilities.

Downstream is the refining and processing of crude oil into usable products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and other petrochemicals. This segment also covers the distribution and marketing of these refined products.

We possess the skilled and competent workforce required to demonstrate our capabilities within the Oil & Gas sector. Our services include design validation in accordance with applicable codes and specifications, as well as independent inspections across a wide range of equipment. These inspections cover pressure vessels, tankers, Horton spheres, line pipes, cross-country pipelines, heat exchangers, material handling plants, and electrical items such as cables, transformers, transmitters, control panels, bus ducts, motors, and switchgear.
We ensure that all equipment and systems comply with the highest industry standards, guaranteeing safety, reliability, and efficiency in their operation within the oil and gas industry.


An oil refinery is an industrial facility where crude oil is processed and transformed into a variety of valuable products, including petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel, fuel oils, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), jet fuel, and other refined products.

Petroleum refining involves the conversion of crude oil, which consists of hundreds of different hydrocarbon molecules, into these usable products. The refining process typically consists of three main steps: separation, conversion, and treatment. During these stages, various hydrocarbons are separated and processed to meet specific requirements for different end products.

We carry out independent inspections during plant shutdowns, ensuring the integrity and safety of critical equipment. Our inspections cover pressure vessels, tankers, Horton spheres, storage bullets, columns, PSA towers, reactors, separators, and other refinery components. Additionally, we provide design validation in accordance with applicable codes and specifications for line pipes, LPG cylinders, heat exchangers, and electrical items such as cables, transformers, transmitters, control panels, bus ducts, motors, and switchgear.

These services help ensure that all refinery equipment operates efficiently, safely, and in compliance with industry standards.

Chemical & Fertilizers

Nitrogen plays a crucial role in the formation of proteins, which are fundamental components of tissue in all living organisms.

Phosphorus is vital for various plant processes, particularly in photosynthesis, where plants convert sunlight into energy for growth and development.

Potassium, also known as potash, is key in the synthesis of carbohydrates and starches, and it also helps plants resist wilting by maintaining water balance.

We conduct independent inspections for critical equipment such as reactors, strippers, condensers, piping fabrication, pumps, compressors, pipes, and heat exchangers. Additionally, we provide design validation in accordance with applicable codes and specifications for separators, structures, and electrical components, including cables, transformers, transmitters, control panels, bus ducts, motors, and switchgear.

These inspections and validations ensure that all equipment operates safely, efficiently, and in compliance with industry standards.

Thermal Power

Thermal power plants convert the heat energy from primary fuels such as coal into electrical power. In most thermal power stations, the combustion of these fuels heats water, turning it into steam. This steam drives turbines connected to generators, producing electricity. Afterward, the steam is condensed and returned to the system for reuse. Thermal power stations can utilize various heat sources, including fossil fuels, nuclear energy, biomass, and waste.

Types of Thermal Power Plants:

Ultra Supercritical: Operate at temperatures up to 760°C.

Our services to the Power & Utilities sector include design verification, third-party (or second-party) supplier technical assessments, and safety inspection services. These services are provided both at shops and construction sites for mechanical and electrical items, such as forgings, boiler accessories, primary and secondary structures, cables, transformers, transmitters, control panels, bus ducts, motors, switchgear, optical fiber cables, fuse gear, and more.

Wind Power

The terms "wind energy" and "wind power" refer to the process of harnessing wind to generate mechanical power or electricity.

This mechanical power can be utilized for specific tasks, such as grinding grain or pumping water, or it can be converted into electricity via a generator. Wind energy relies on the kinetic energy generated by moving air, which is transformed into electrical energy using wind turbines or wind energy conversion systems.

provides quality inspection and supervision services for the construction of foundations, structures, and buildings. Our services include witnessing soil tests for safe bearing capacity, concrete cube testing, and material quality testing for cement and steel. Additionally, we perform inspections of installed equipment and conduct inspections of bought-out items at vendor facilities to ensure they meet the required standards.

Solar Power

Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy using photovoltaic (PV) panels or mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. This energy can be used to generate electricity or stored in batteries or thermal storage systems.

The amount of sunlight that strikes the Earth's surface in just an hour and a half is enough to meet the entire world’s energy consumption for an entire year, highlighting the vast potential of solar energy as a sustainable and renewable resource.

including design appraisal, review, and approval for ground-mounted and rooftop solar structures. We conduct third-party inspection (TPI) and pre-dispatch inspection (PDI) at various vendor locations across India for mechanical (structural), electrical and instrumentation (E&I) products, as well as solar cells and PV solar modules. Additionally, we provide site inspections during the construction phase for civil and electrical activities to ensure compliance with industry standards and specifications.

Cross Country Pipeline

A cross-country pipeline refers to pipelines located outside the boundaries of any facility, including pipelines that extend beyond separators (such as those after exploratory wells) and their associated facilities. These pipelines are essential for the transportation of liquid hydrocarbons from one location to another and do not include piping within refineries, separation, or processing plants up to plant isolation valves.

These pipelines often span long distances and may cross various obstacles such as roads, railways, rivers, and sometimes even seas. Due to their complexity, these pipelines are meticulously designed and constructed.

Our services for cross-country pipeline projects include the following:

Pipeline laying, Right of Way (ROW) management, stringing, trenching, bending, and welding
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and radiographic inspection
Field joint coating, lowering and backfilling, tie-in joints, and river/road crossings
Cleanup and restoration of ROW, air pigging cleaning, gauging, and de-watering
Cleaning and swabbing, including golden tie joints, valve installation, and line preservation
Skid fabrication inspection for SV stations and related facilities

Project Construction

Our services include the following key activities to ensure quality control and adherence to project specifications:

Review of NDE/NDT Procedures: We assess the Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) procedures submitted by the client/contractor, ensuring compliance with job requirements and industry standards.

Field Quality Assurance Plan Review: We review the implementation of the field quality assurance plan (FQP) provided by the client/contractor to ensure it meets the required standards.

Witnessing of Quality Control Tests: We witness quality control tests conducted by contractors at the project site or at NABL-accredited third-party inspection (TPI) laboratories to verify the quality of materials and processes.

Witnessing of Material Quality Tests: We observe material quality tests performed at NABL labs to confirm compliance with specifications.

Inspection Reports: We provide detailed inspection reports to the client highlighting any quality deviations identified at the site, offering transparency and accountability.

Inspection During Construction and Fabrication: Our team conducts inspections during construction and fabrication phases, ensuring adherence to the approved FQP.

Witnessing of Performance Tests: We witness performance, hydrostatic, and pneumatic tests at the project site to ensure the functionality and integrity of systems.

Radiography Film Review: We review radiography films for welding joints to ensure the quality and safety of welded connections.

Daily Inspection Reports: We issue daily inspection reports to the client, documenting the progress and quality checks conducted on-site.